Meet Eric Bilhère

European and French Patent Attorney

European Patent Litigator

PhD Microbiology

+33 1 85 64 15 73

Bordeaux, Paris
English, French


Eric has experience in Microbiology, Immunology, Genetics, Pharmaceuticals and Food-Technology. Before joining Gevers in 2017, he worked for four years in a Paris based IP Law firm. His activity includes drafting patent applications and conducting their prosecution. Further, he establishes patentability, validity and freedom-to-operate opinions.


  • Diploma of CEIPI (Patents, Trademarks and Designs), Strasbourg (France), 2011
  • PhD in Microbiology, Université de Bordeaux (France), 2009
  • Master in Microbiology & Immunology, Université de Bordeaux (France), 2005


  • Chartered French Patent Attorney
  • Dipl. Patent Litigation in Europe
  • Professional representative before the European Patent Office

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