Meet Michaël Moreels

Automobile, maritime & rail transportationEntertainment, gaming & mediaFood & beveragesMaterials, metallurgy & packagingMechanics & electronics

European, Belgian and Dutch Patent Attorney

European Patent Litigator

PhD in Science-Mathematics

+32 2 715 39 15

Brussels, Ghent
Dutch, English


Michaël is specialized in physics and mathematics, including various disciplines such as fluid mechanics, optics, signal and image processing, computer algorithms and the like. He helps you to guide your innovation throughout its lifetime, from novelty searches at its conception to the drafting, filing and prosecution of the patent application. Michaël also provides you with advice on IP protection strategies, patent infringement and enforcement, patent validity.


  • Beroepsopleiding Octrooigemachtigden, Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherlands);
  • Ph. D. in Science-Mathematics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium);
  • Master in Mathematics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)


  • European Patent Litigator
  • European and Dutch Patent Attorney
Michaël Moreels - PhD in Science-MathematicsContact this expert



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