Ewout is specialized in trademark law, design law, copyright, personality rights, competition law and trade practices. His academic background and extensive experience in these fields of law enable him to provide sound and pragmatic legal advice and cost-efficient solutions for multinationals as well as SMEs. He provides legal and strategic advice on the protection of intellectual property, including guidance throughout the trademark and design application process, and is involved in IP-related (license) agreements as well as high profile trademark enforcement cases. His mother tongue is Dutch and he is proficient in English and French.
Meet Ewout Vanhecke
Aeronautics & defenceAutomobile, maritime & rail transportationBanking, finance & insuranceChemistry & agroConsumer goodsDesign & fashionEntertainment, gaming & mediaFood & beveragesGreen technologyICT: Iot, AI, software & dataMaterials, metallurgy & packagingMechanics & electronicsMedtechPharmaceuticals, biotechnology & life sciencesSport & e-sport business
Intellectual Property Attorney
+32 9 269 23 84ewout.vanhecke@gevers.eu
- Master in Intellectual Property Rights (cum laude), K.U. Leuven – K.U. Brussels (Belgium)
- Master in Law (magna cum laude), University of Ghent (Belgium)
- Senior Benelux and European Trademark & Design Attorney
- Welcome changes to trademark procedures VANHECKE, E., Managing Intellectual Property 2013/233, p.73
- Rechtsvergelijking in een context van europeanisering en globalisering (Comparative law in a context of europeanisation and globalisation) DEVROE, W., Leuven, Acco, 2010, 298 p. (co-writer)
- Reddings- en herstructureringssteun in tijden van economische crisis (Rescue and restructuring aid in times of economic crisis) VANHECKE, E. & DEVROE, W., Jura Falc., 2009-2010, p.291-322