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What is the value of my intellectual property? 

Intellectual Property rights represent up to 70 percent of today companies value. 

These intangible assets are the backbones of companies to reach a sustainable and competitive advantage. They represent a very useful tool to leverage business value through diverse types of transactions: 

– Assigning or licensing Intellectual Property rights to third parties; 

– Using them to get damages from infringers; 

– Ensure the good transfer of knowledge and technology within a multinational group; 

– … 

But all these transactions require the intellectual property asset to be valued and, in case of transactions between affiliated companies (“interco transactions”), require this valuation to comply with Transfer Pricing standards. 

Gevers guides you in the valuation of your Intellectual Property assets, such as copyrights. All the methodologies practiced in collaboration with highly qualified transfer pricing specialists are renown professional methods compliant with international standards: “OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations “, International Accounting Standard (IAS) 38, National Ruling Commissions, … 

Gevers works together with financial and tax experts to value Intellectual Property rights depending on the specific needs of each client and each situation. 

This is how we empower you: 

  • Value an intellectual property right in view of an assignment 
  • Estimate the ‘market fair’ (arm’s length) 
  • Estimate the value of an option to acquire 
  • Estimate the value of your IP assets 

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