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How to protect my invention?

Want to know how to protect your invention? It all starts with a patent application, which must be filed with an intellectual property office. After a patent granting procedure, in general, the granted patent provides an effective and exclusive protection for a time period of 20 years as calculated from the date of filing of the respective patent application, provided that renewal fees are regularly paid to the offices in accordance with the national legislation in those offices. 

We will help you to file your patent application using the best possible strategy. 

Furthermore, as long as an invention is kept secret, and reasonable measures are taken to keep it secret, and furthermore the technical invention is not detectable by reverse-engineering, it can be subject as a trade secret. However, a trade secret has its own ways of protection. No worries: we can help you with this as well.  

High quality drafting of your patent application is a crucial step which Gevers patent attorneys take at heart. Gevers patent attorneys do not only respond to your short-term needs, but work with you to leverage the full potential of your innovative developments in order to achieve an optimized and tailor-made IP protection, also in the long term. The same dedicated proactive approach is followed with regards to deliver proper filing strategy advice and strive for efficient patent prosecution globally. 

We also ensure that all administrative aspects of your IP assets are managed in an efficient and transparent way. 

Our interactive Client Portal allows our clients to consult their portfolio status at any point in time, and to execute portfolio management decisions in direct connection with Gevers teams. We can perform audit services and examine your IP portfolio from an administrative and strategic perspective to ensure adequacy between your IP rights and your business structure and objectives. Such a process implies close dialogue between Gevers and its clients to ensure accurate knowledge of the client’s strategy and awareness of economic and operational factors. So the answer to how to protect your invention? Trust upon us.

This is how we empower you:  

  • Proactive and strategy-driven drafting 
  • Filing strategy customized to your business needs 
  • IP audit before renewals to align to business strategy 

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