Adnane’s professional focus revolves around patent drafting, overseeing both national and international procedures, and conducting patentability and freedom-to-operate assessments within the fields of mechanics, electronics, physics, and computer-implemented innovations. His early career as a development engineer in the automotive industry equipped him with a profound understanding of the intricacies of technical innovation. Subsequently, he assumed a pivotal role in the development and successful market introduction of cutting-edge products while working within a technology transfer office. His career trajectory later led him to specialize as a patent engineer, where he honed his expertise in highly specialized areas such as nuclear safety as well as in deep technology, within TTO of a prominent public research organization.
Meet Adnane Saoud
Patent Engineer
+32 2 715 39
⦁ Master of Research (ENSAM) in product design, France
⦁ Electromechanical Engineering (ENSAM), Morocco
- Dipl. U.D in Patents (CEIPI)
- WO201993872 Modular solar Panel
- WO2019/117695 Hybrid motor vehicle air conditioning system using energy from the braking system
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