Meet Tom Caremans

Matériaux, métallurgie et emballage

European Patent Attorney

+32 10 39 40 15

Bruxelles, Louvain-la-Neuve
Anglais, Français, Néerlandais


Tom Caremans is specialized in chemical engineering and process engineering, physical chemistry and inorganic chemistry. He advises you on all aspects related to patents, including the drafting and prosecution of European and International applications, performing patentability and freedom-to-operate studies and providing strategic filing advice. Prior to joining the world of Intellectual Property, Tom, who is a chemical engineer and has a Ph.D. in bioengineering, worked in r&d in a photovoltaic company.


  • Master in Chemical Engineering, KULeuven, 2004
  • Master in Chemical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004
  • Ph.D. in Bioscience Engineering, KULeuven, 2009


  • European Patent Attorney


  • Plant Variety Law Harmonised, Managing Intellectual Property · Jul 1, 2015

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