Meet Jurgen Duyver

Auto-, zee- & spoorwegtransportGroene technologie

European, Belgian and Dutch Patent Attorney

European Patent Litigator

+32 3 206 99 88

Antwerpen, Gent
Engels, Nederlands


Jurgen is specialized in physics, solid-state physics, and (electro)mechanics. He advises and represents you on patenting strategies, patentability, infringement, and innovation. He defends infringement cases, nullity actions, patent ownership and has a good general overview of different aspects of IP. Jurgen is a member of the Nederlandse Orde Van Octrooigemachtigden and epi (European Patent Institute).


  • Master in Physics, University of Antwerp (Belgium), 2004


  • European Patent Litigator
  • Belgian Patent Attorney
  • Dutch Patent Attorney
  • European Patent Attorney

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